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Phone: 212-964-3680
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Cross the poison plastic off your back-to-school shopping list.
Find safer products for your kids!

CHEJ’s proud to announce the release of our 3rd annual Back to School Guide to PVC-Free School Supplies to help parents choose safer, PVC-free school supplies for their kids. Over thirty categories of school supplies, from backpacks to art supplies, are covered in this year’s guide.

Download the guide and wallet-sized version.
Read CHEJ’s press release.

CHEJ & Teamsters Demand End to Toxic Toys R Us at Times Square Flagship Store
Groups Warn that Toys R Us’ Broken Promises May Be Toxic for Kids

Today CHEJ, the Teamsters Union, Clean New York, WE ACT for Environmental Justice, concerned parents, students and consumer activists protested toxic PVC plastic used in toys at the Toys R Us flagship store in Times Square.

Read the press release.
Learn more and download our flyer.
Read the article in Variety
Read our blog post on the action.

CHEJ Praises EPA for Developing Dioxin Cleanup Goals – Expresses Concern About Delays

In response to the EPA’s new plans for addressing Dioxin contamination, the Center for Health, Environment & Justice’s Executive Director Lois Gibbs issued the following statement:

“We’re pleased the public will be able to comment on them as it’s critically important for EPA to hear from communities impacted by Dioxin, such as residents living near Dow Chemical in Midland, MI.” Read full statement here.

PVC Packaging Found to Contain Toxic Metals Banned in 19 States

This week’s Sustainable Packaging Forum could not come at a better time as a new study by the Toxics in Packaging Clearinghouse found toxic levels of heavy metals in over 50% of PVC packaging tested.

[Read the press release]

Ten Thousand Parents Say No to Toxic School Supplies
Parents across the country are banding together to give their children a safe back-to-school sendoff this morning by keeping toxic school supplies out of children’s backpacks and organizing to keep those toxic binders and lunchboxes off of store shelves. Under the leadership of the Center for Health, Environment & Justice (CHEJ) and MomsRising, over 10,000 parents have organized to petition retailers to take polyvinyl chloride (PVC) school supplies off store shelves. Sign the petition here.

[Read the press release]

CHEJ Releases PVC-Free Back-to-School Guide
Need help keeping poison plastics off of your back to school shopping list? The Center for Health, Environment & Justice has created this Back-to-School Guide to PVC-Free School Supplies to empower you to make smarter, healthier shopping choices for a toxic-free future. Find out about the most common back-to-school supplies made out of polyvinyl chloride (PVC or vinyl) plastics and learn about safer PVC-free alternatives.

We also created a handy wallet-sized version of the guide for your shopping needs on the go.

[Download the guide]
[Download the wallet guide]
[Read the press release]

EPA Pushes Forward With Misguided Bush-Era Policies on Toxic Dioxin
Under pressure from a coalition of environmental groups headed by the Center for Health, Environment & Justice (CHEJ), the EPA has promised an acceleration of the latest review of the comprehensive human health and exposure assessment for dioxin. CHEJ is concerned about loopholes in the EPA’s plans. “This plan is merely moving forward with the Bush agenda; not accelerating the release of the dioxin report,” said Lois Gibbs. Click here for the press release and community letters and statements to the EPA

Environmental Groups to Obama: Release Dioxin Report After Twenty Years of Delays
Over 100 environmental health, environmental justice, health-affected, and labor groups called on President Barack Obama to release the EPA’s report on dioxins, one of the most toxic chemicals on earth. In a letter to President Obama, groups decried President Bush’s last minute gift to the chemical industry by another review of the EPA’s assessment, which has already been underway for over 18 years. [See the letter here.]
[Read CHEJ’s accompanying release here ]

New Consumer Health Guide – “Pass Up the Poison Plastic, The PVC-Free Guide for Your Family & Home” Released Just in Time for the Holiday Shopping Season
A new guide released today just in time for the holiday shopping season empowers parents and consumers worried about toxic chemicals in toys, baby products, and the home to find safer products. Pass Up the Poison Plastic – the PVC-Free Guide for Your Family & Home lists the most common consumer products made out of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic and safer PVC-free products.
[Read the press release.]
[Download the guide.]

Find Safer School Supplies for Your Kids
This year, when you send your kids off to school, send them off in style - PVC-free! CHEJ has created the first-ever Back-to-School Guide to PVC-Free School Supplies so you can make smarter and healthier shopping choices for your kids, family and environment.
[read the guide.]

Over 100 Chemicals Released Into the Air from PVC Shower Curtains
Results from a two-phase study released by CHEJ show that shower curtains made with PVC plastic contain many harmful chemicals including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), phthalates and organotins; these PVC shower curtains are potentially toxic to the health of consumers.
[read the press release and report]

Toys'R'Us to Begin Ridding Shelves of Toys Containing Toxic PVC Plastic
Leading Retail Outlet for Children's Toys Joins Wal-Mart, Target, Sears, Kmart in Adopting Goal to Phase Out Toxic Plastic

Falls Church, VA ... Today Toys"R"Us announced a new policy to reduce polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic, phthalates, and lead in children's and infant toys. The company is reducing PVC use and is moving towards a goal of offering PVC-free products. They also announced that by the end of 2008, juvenile products must be produced without the addition of phthalates. In a separate statement, Wal-Mart announced the company is also requiring suppliers to phase out phthalates in children's toys. Toys"R"Us is the latest major retailer to adopt a goal to reduce its use of PVC. "Toys"R"Us' new PVC-free goal is good news for our children's health, safety, and well being," said Michael Schade, PVC Campaign Coordinator with the Center for Health, Environment and Justice. "PVC toxic toys often contain dangerous chemicals such as phthalates and lead. These toxic chemicals have no place in our children's toys and should be eliminated from store shelves everywhere they are currently sold so that no potential harm comes to any child who might otherwise come into contact with them. We call on Toys"R"Us to take the next step by setting clear benchmarks and timeframes for phasing out toxic PVC toys in order to prevent harm to our children's health." CHEJ joined SEIU, Working Families Party, and other organizations at media events in October and December calling on Toys R Us to phase out PVC and other harmful chemicals in their toys. Advancing its mission to prevent health-related harm to individuals and the environment, CHEJ has been campaigning vigorously to educate retailers and the public about the dangers associated with PVC plastic in toys, packaging, and other consumer products. Toys"R"Us is joining a growing list of dozens of companies including Target, Wal-Mart, Sears, Kmart, Microsoft, Johnson & Johnson, Nike, and Apple that are eliminating or reducing its PVC products and packaging. The Center for Health, Environment & Justice exists to mentor a movement to build healthier communities by empowering people to prevent harm. For more details on CHEJ's PVC campaign visit www.besafenet.com/pvc.

Sears/Kmart Becomes Latest Retail Giants To Phase Out Toxic PVC Plastic, Major Source Of Lead, Phthalates, And Dioxin Exposure
Falls Church, VA ... Sparked by a national campaign led by the Center for Health, Environment and Justice (CHEJ), together with a coalition of health and environmental organizations, today Sears Holdings (Sears and KMart) has announced its plans to begin phasing out products and packaging containing the toxic polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic, commonly known as vinyl. Sears and KMart join Wal-Mart and Target, in reducing and phasing out PVC in products and packaging. Target’s policy was just announced last month. Sears Holdings, the publicly traded parent of Kmart and Sears, Roebuck and Co., is the nation’s sixth-largest retailer with over $50 billion in annual revenues and approximately 3,800 retail stores in the United States and Canada.*
[read full release]
[Learn more about Sears's Commitment]

Target to Systematically Reduce PVC in Infant Products, Children's Toys, Shower Curtains, Packaging
After a national campaign by CHEJ and a coalition of health and environmental organizations, Target has agreed to systematically reduce its use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic, commonly known as vinyl. The company is reducing PVC found in many of its products including infant products, children’s toys, shower curtains, packaging and fashion accessories. Target, the fifth largest U.S. retailer with $59 billion in revenues a year, is joining a growing list of dozens of companies that are eliminating or reducing its PVC products and packaging.
[read full release]
[Learn more about Target's Commitment]

New Testing Finds Lead in Children’s PVC Toys Sold in Massachusetts
Advocates Urge Recall of PVC/Vinyl Toys at Global Chemical Industry Conference and Call for Statewide Policy Reform to Replace Toxic Toys with Safer Alternatives
read full release]
[see photos from action at the World Vinyl Forum]
[See article in NewYork Times]

23 Organizations Issue Joint Report Critiquing Wal-Mart’s Sustainability Initiatives
Human rights, labor and environmental groups find Wal-Mart’s "green" initiatives lack real impact on global warming, employee health and welfare
[read full release]

New Study: Over 60% of PVC Packaging Violates Laws in 19 States Across the Country
Elevated Levels of Toxic Lead and Cadmium Commonly Found in PVC Packaging
[read the full release]

Strong Support for Shareholder Resolution at Bed Bath & Beyond Encourages Company to Replace Toxic Chemicals in Consumer Products
Shareholders voted 22 percent in favor of resolution encouraging the company to evaluate measures to reduce and eliminate potentially toxic chemicals in Bed, Bath and Beyond's products.
[read the full release]

Target Faces Mounting Pressure to Phase Out PVC
New Report Shows Target Lags Behind Other Major Retailers in Refusing to Replace PVC Packaging, Toys and Shower Curtains With Safe Alternatives
[read the full release] [view additional media resources]

Remarkable 45 Percent of Shareholders Support Sustainability/PVC Resolution at Hasbro
PVC Chemical Issue Also Raised with Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond; Toy/Game Maker Hasbro Lags Other Companies, Progress Seen at Sears and Mohawk Industries.
[read the full release]

Wal-Mart, Apple Announce New Plans to Eliminate PVC
Wal-Mart commits to support industry standard to eliminate PVC from all children's products, adding fuel to the national campaign challenging Target to “meet and beat” Wal-Mart’s commitment.
[Read the full release.]

USGBC Final Report: PVC an Unhealthy Building Material
"When we add end of life with accidental landfill fires and backyard burning, the additional risk of dioxin emissions puts PVC consistently among the worst materials for human health impacts..."
[Read the full release.]










Center for Health, Environment and Justice • 9 Murray Street, Floor 3
New York, NY 10007-2223 * 212-964-3680 * [email protected]

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