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News Release

For Immediate Release: Friday May 4, 2007
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PVC Phase Out Momentum Building as Wal-Mart, Apple Announce New Plans to Eliminate PVC

Wal-Mart Commits to Support Industry Standard to Eliminate PVC From All Products Intended for Use by Children
National Campaign Challenging Target to “Meet and Beat” Wal-Mart’s Commitment – National Day of Action Planned at Target Stores Nationwide

(New York) Momentum is building in the national campaign to phase out polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic. This week, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and Apple both announced major new policies to phase out PVC in baby bibs, children’s products, and computers. On Wednesday, the New York and Illinois Attorney Generals announced that Wal-Mart will stop selling PVC baby bibs and has committed to support the development of an industry standard to eliminate PVC from all products intended for use by children. A national coalition of 60 health and environmental groups is now challenging Target to “meet and beat” Wal-Mart’s commitment to phase out PVC in consumer products and packaging. A national day of action has been planned for May 24th, when groups will organize protests and media events outside Target stores nationwide.

“Momentum is building as more and more major corporations are phasing out PVC, the poison plastic, and switching to safer and healthier consumer products,” said Lois Gibbs, Executive Director of the Center for Health, Environment and Justice. “With Wal-Mart’s new commitment to support the development of an industry standard to eliminate PVC in children’s products, the writing is on the wall – PVC toys are on their way out and safer products are in. It’s time for Target to join Wal-Mart in phasing out the poison plastic.”

PVC is the worst plastic from an environmental health perspective, dangerous throughout its entire life cycle of production, use and disposal. Consumers can identify it by looking for the number “3”, “PVC” or the letter “V” inside or underneath the universal recycling symbol. In addition, soft flexible PVC products often have a distinct odor, such as vinyl shower curtains. When produced or burned, PVC plastic releases dioxins, the most potent synthetic chemicals ever tested, which can cause cancer and harm the immune and reproductive systems. Studies have shown plasticizers such as phthalates have migrated out of PVC toys, exposing children to toxic additives linked to reproductive defects and other health problems. Our bodies are contaminated with toxic chemicals released during the PVC lifecycle, such as mercury, dioxins, and phthalates, which may pose life-long health threats.

The Center for Health, Environment and Justice works to build healthy communities, with social justice, economic well-being, and democratic governance. Lois Gibbs founded CHEJ after winning the nation’s first community relocation of 900 families due to a leaking toxic waste dump in Love Canal, New York.







Center for Health, Environment and Justice • 9 Murray Street, Floor 3
New York, NY 10007-2223 * 212-964-3680 * [email protected]

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