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Response from Target Supplier to Question about PVC Rubber Ducky Bathtub Sold at Target

In August, CHEJ contacted one of Target’s suppliers, Munchkin, to determine whether or not their rubber ducky baby bathtub was made out of PVC.  Munchkin responded indicating the bathtub, “is made of a material called Polyvinyl Chloride and there is no PVC in this product.”  However, PVC stands for Polyvinyl Chloride – there is no difference between the two.

Responses like these are extremely confusing to consumers and underscore the need for retailers like Target to take charge of their supply chain and phase out the poison plastic and switch to safer and healthier materials.  Target selected Munchkin as a “2005 Partner of Excellence”.

Correspondence between CHEJ and Munchkin:

-------- Original Message --------


RE: Munchkin Customer Service Contact


Thu, 7 Sep 2006 08:31:08 -0700


Munchkin CustSVC <[email protected]>


Lois Gibbs


<[email protected]> <[email protected]>

Dear Lois:

The duck tub is made of a material called Polyvinyl Chloride and there is no PVC in this product.

Please feel free to contact us if you have anymore questions or concerns.


Munchkin Customer Service

From: Lois Gibbs
Sent: Wed 9/6/2006 6:07 PM
To: Munchkin CustSVC
Subject: Re: Munchkin Customer Service Contact

I was wondering when I can expect an answer to my question 8/21/06?  I asked if the ducky tub was made of vinyl or PVC.  I would like to purchase the product but Mom doesn't want any PVC or vinyl around the baby.  If the answer is no please tell me so I can shop for something else.
Thank you.

Munchkin.com wrote:

> This message is to confirm that Munchkin Customer Service has received
> your question.
> Thank you.







Center for Health, Environment and Justice • 9 Murray Street, Floor 3
New York, NY 10007-2223 * 212-964-3680 * [email protected]

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